Children and Youth Ministry
10:00 am - 10:50 am | Church Undercroft
St. John’s Children and Youth Ministry Council is excited about our new program for children and youth using the Orange curriculum! in the fall, breaks for the Christmas holidays, and resumes in January. Sunday School runs through May and breaks again for summer. Classes resume on Sunday, January 5, 2025. Scroll down for class descriptions.
Save the Date for VBS 2025!
JUNE 9 - 12 | 9 AM - 12 PM
This year's theme is True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World. If you would like to volunteer, or have any questions, contact Ashleigh Leathers:

Register for Sunday School
Parents/guardians must sign in and sign out all children in the nursery (ages 0-2), PreK 3-4, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. Teachers will take roll for students in 2nd-12th grades.
During the 9:15 service before Sunday School and the 11:00 am service following, childcare is available in the nursery and PreK classrooms for children ages 0 to 5. Children ages 6 and older are expected to be seated with their parents during church services, with children’s activity packs available in the Welcome Center at the entrance of the church.
The nursery uses Orange’s “First Look” curriculum for PK 3 and 4 year olds, combining child development and theology to help kids at this unique phase experience their first impression of God’s love.
In the preschool phase, we turn the WONDER dial way up—wonder for who God is and what he has created. First Look Curriculum is designed to help leaders embrace a preschooler’s physical needs and to help them know God’s love and meet God’s family.
We do this with weekly resources to help preschoolers walk away from your ministry knowing three basic truths: God made me, God loves me, Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
We want every preschooler to experience a love for God, that will inspire a deeper, everyday faith, a love for themselves that leads to wiser choices, and a love for others that will build stronger relationships with the world around them.
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Our elementary school age kids use Oranges “252 Kids” curriculum.”
What if you knew that God was HERE for you and with you no matter what? In an anxious and lonely world, what if every kid had the skills to be fully present with God—HERE and now—through prayer, Scripture, community, worship, and serving? What if every kid had a meaningful relationship with a consistent leader committed to being HERE for them at this phase of life? HERE is where Jesus invites us and meets us to transform and renew us. HERE is how we show what matters most to us. HERE is where everything has the potential to change. This year, as we lean into the theme of HERE, you’ll discover an invitation to us all—leaders, volunteers, and kids/teens—to be HERE for it as we understand more about God, ourselves, and others.
252 Kids is designed to shape identity by planting these basic truths in the hearts of every elementary-age child.
Kids trust adults because they are adults and because they need adults to orchestrate and protect their world. That’s why children’s ministry has an opportunity unlike any other to help kids know what it means to put their trust in Jesus. The way ministry leaders engage kids' interests will help kids from kindergarten to fifth-grade trust God’s character and experience God’s family. The 252 Kids elementary curriculum includes weekly resources to ensure that every kid grows up believing these three truths: I need to make the wise choice. (Wisdom) I can trust God no matter what. (Faith) I should treat others the way I want to be treated. (Friendship)
We want our kids to discover and embrace a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
There are lots of important things we do—urgent things. But nothing is more essential than getting this right. Because the only thing that matters 100 years from now is whether or not our kids have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Youth Confirmation
We have a large Youth Confirmation class beginning this fall. The program uses the Episcopal Church’s Journey to Adulthood program. If you are interested in confirmation, indicate this on the registration form.
Middle School (6th through 8th Grade)
The Middle School class uses a special segment of Journey to Adulthood called Rite 13. Kids completing one year of Rite 13 will be Confirmed by the Bishop at the end of the Spring semester. After the second year, Middle Schoolers may serve on a mission trip as well as engage in various socials, events, and retreats.
High School (9th through 12th Grade)
Our High School youth continue with the J2A curriculum, with deeper focus on growing up and becoming an adult with character and values based on the Gospel, modeling after Jesus and focusing on the three categories of Self, Society and Spirituality. A pilgrimage—a spiritual journey to a sacred site—is also part of this coming-of-age experience along with various socials, activities, and retreats.

Volunteers Needed!
We hope to have your commitment to volunteer either as a Sunday School teacher, CYMC council member, or for any children and youth service. Go to our ministries page and sign up under Christian Formation Ministries.