“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 96:6
With over 70 years’ tradition, St. John’s Music Ministry continues to offer the highest quality of liturgical and sacred music.
Our Cantate Deo choir leads the congregation in singing our beautiful liturgy and hymnody. They offer a varied repertoire of choral anthems from the Renaissance through the well-known classics and on up through the present, both accompanied and a capella.
St. John’s Jubilate children’s choir is composed of kids from Kindergarten to 5th grade who are instructed in the fundamentals of music theory, the basics of vocal production, and the Anglican liturgical tradition. The children also have lots of fun–all of this while being introduced to great composers and great music.
If you wish to participate through playing an instrument or singing, contact Benjamin Kolodziej, Organist and Choirmaster.