Sign up for a ministry that fits your gifts!
God creates each of us uniquely with
individual gifts and talents.
We are called to put our strengths to work
in the service of others and for his glory.
Sign up for a ministry by clicking an image below.
Full descriptions of all ministries can be found here.
Worship Ministries
Acolytes lead the procession and assist the clergy at the Eucharist. Open to all, 8 years and older.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
The Altar Guild prepares for and cleans up after every Eucharist, as well as caring for vestments, linens, altar hangings, and sacred vessels.
Time commitment: 3 to 4 hours per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
The Cantate Deo choir leads the 11:00 am congregation in worship by leading the hymns and offering anthems at the Offertory and at Holy Communion. They rehearse on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm.
Time commitment: 3 to 4 hours per week.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Greeters are the first point of contact with newcomers, welcoming them and helping them become familiar with St. John’s services, programs, and events.
Time commitment: 1 Sunday per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
LEMs serve the chalice at Communion and read the Scriptures and the Prayers of the People.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 Sundays per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Lectors read the Holy Scriptures during the Saturday and Sunday Eucharists.
Time commitment: 1 Sunday every six weeks
To sign up, click the graphic above.
The Stream Team broadcasts the 11:00 am Sung Eucharist live on Facebook and YouTube each week.
Time commitment: 1 Sunday per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Ushers hand out worship bulletins, help worshipers get seated, take up the collection, and assist congregants coming to the altar for Communion
Time commitment: 1 Sunday per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Christian Formation Ministries
Adult leaders teach or facilitate Bible studies, studies, or classes in consultation with the Rector.
Time commitment: 4 hours per week for class and peparation.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
The CYMC is a team of volunteers dedicated to grow the hearts and minds of our children in Christ. The Council considers classes and initiatives, recruits teachers, implements curriculum, and plans social events for young people and their parents.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per week.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Sunday School teachers lead classes at 10:00 am on Sunday, grades pre-K through 12, using curriculum provided by the Director for Children and Family Ministries and the CYMC.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per week when class is in session.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Service and Outreach Ministries
Each Sandwich Team serves 4 times a year, meeting at 10:00 am on the first Saturday of the month to prepare sandwiches for the Austin Street Center.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours every three months.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Opportunities to support this local school include volunteering as readers, tutors, library and teacher helpers, event volunteers, and providing items for the school’s teacher and students.
Time commitment: variable.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Mission trips are organized every few years with youth and adults serving the ministries of the Kellermann Foundation in Uganda, including the Bwindi Hospital, the Nina Waits School, and the Batwa Development Program
Time commitment: when a mission is organized, bi-monthly meetings starting 11 months out with a trip to Uganda that runs 12 days.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
The WRCH provides food, clothing, emergency rent assistance, and many other services to folks struggling here in East Dallas. Volunteers serve in food service, tutoring, teaching, and supporting events.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
This Ministry stocks and stuffs Blessings Bags, provided to parishioners so they are able to respond to people in need.
Time commitment: 1 hour per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Our St. John's Team serves one night a month, meeting at our adopted spot at White Rock Lake.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Pastoral Ministries
This ministry sends personalized cards to parishioners celebrating birthdays and anniversaries.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
The Daughters of the King is an international Order for women in the Episcopal Church. They follow a rule of life and support the parish pastorally by praying daily for the parish and its people.
Time commitment: 3 months of education and discernment before entering the order; daily prayer commitment and monthly meetings.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
LEVs are laypeople licensed by the Bishop to assist the priests in taking Holy Communion to parishioners who are infirm or homebound.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours, 1 to 4 Sundays (or scheduled weekdays) per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Fellowship and Events Ministries
The Coffee Teams provide coffee and refreshments for worshipers following the 9:15 and 11:00 am Sunday services.
Time commitment: 2 Sundays (2-3 hours) per month
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Decorating Teams set up the Parish Hall for festive occasions like Christmas, Easter, Rally Day, and the annual Parish Picnic.
Time commitment: on occasion, based on events.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
Dinner Groups are made up of 8 to10 adults (married and single) who meet for monthly dining and fellowship, each family taking turns hosting the group.
Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month.
To sign up, click the graphic above.
St. John’s Men’s Camping Group invites all men of the parish to participate in the “Food, Fun, Faith, and Fellowship.” The annual fall trip takes campers away for 4 to 5 days in late October or early November. Apart from camping, the group takes on service projects for the parish or ministries connected with St. John’s.
Time commitment: 5 days in the fall.
To register for the next trip, click the graphic above.
Reception Teams serve at holiday receptions and other parish parties: setting up, cleaning up, and serving food.
Time commitment: 1 -2 hours every 3 months.
To sign up, click the graphic above.