Holy Week

Palm Sunday | March 24
8:00 am Said Eucharist
9:15 am Family Eucharist (Rite 2)
11:00 am Sung Eucharist

Maundy Thursday | March 28
7:00 pm Liturgy
followed by The Watch

Good Friday | March 29
12:00 pm Liturgy
7:00 pm Liturgy

Easter Eve | March 30

12:00 pm Holy Saturday Liturgy
8:00 pm Easter Vigil
followed by a reception in the Parish Hall

We Hope You’ll Join Us!

When’s Church?

Church is happening all the time around St. John’s: community groups, fellowship events, Christian Formation classes, and worship—all of which strengthen us in our knowledge of and love for Christ.

We have daily Morning Prayer at 9:00a, Monday through Friday, on our Facebook page. Our weekend schedule follows.


  • 5:30 pm. Rite 2 Eucharist


  • 8:00 am: Rite 1 Eucharist, a simple liturgy with hymns

  • 9:00 am. Bible Studies

  • 9:15 am. Rite 2 Eucharist, a family-friendly service with hymns.

  • 10:00 am. Sunday School for all ages

  • 11:00 am. Rite 1 Sung Eucharist, a traditional sung liturgy with hymns and choir. On Sundays in the seasons of Easter and Christmas, we have incense. This service is also streamed live each Sunday on our Facebook and YouTube pages.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(214) 321-6451