“I invite you, in the name of the Church,
to the observance of a holy Lent.”
Journey with us these forty days, to the Cross and the Empty Tomb, and we seek to grow into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

Here are some ideas and activities to help you observe Lent this season.
Abstain from eating meat, every day or only on Fridays
Give up sweets, deserts, candy, chocolate, or sugar
Refrain from drinking alcohol, coffee, or soda
Abstain from some kind of screen time: television, movies, games, social media
Give up shopping
Forgo eating out or fast food
Make a concerted effort to give up a negative activity or attitude:
gossip, fear, worry, judgment, complaining
Fast once a week
Fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
Clean out your closet and donate clothing to the White Rock Center of Hope
Make a meal and deliver it to a neighbor
Make a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development, the Kellermann Foundation,
the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, or another charitable organization
Have your children sort through old toys and donate what they downsize
Purchase $10 gift cards and hand them out to people on the street
Clear out your pantry or purchase canned goods,
giving them to the White Rock Center of Hope
Pick up a Blessing Bag at church and give it to a homeless person
Give a special gift of appreciation to a co-worker, employee, or employer
Attend the Quiet Day on Saturday, March 8
Attend one, or all, of the Lenten Friday Dinner and Devotion programs (Starting March 15)
Attend Morning Prayer each weekday at 9:00 am on St. John’s Facebook page
Read the Bible daily
Read a book of a theological or devotional nature (suggestions below)
Have a daily or weekly time of family devotions with your household
Engage in a daily time of self-examination, and
make a sacramental Confession before Easter
Keep a daily time of prayer
Engage in daily physical exercise
Attend a Sunday School class or Bible study
Dinners & Devotions
At St. John’s, our Lenten Fridays begin with a meal in Parish Hall prepared by one of our ministries: $5 per person or $15 for a family, plus we always have food options for kids. Following dinner, children ages 6 through 5th grade have their own devotional program in the Undercroft while adults and youth walk the Stations of the Cross in the church and hear from a guest speaker, each speaker focusing on the meaning of one of the stations.
We have a great lineup of speakers for this year:
Mother Samira Izadi Page
Rector of Holy Nativity, Dallas
Father Oliver Lee
Assistant Rector of Incarnation, Dallas
Deacon Katie Gerber
Canon for Youth, Diocese of Dallas
Father Andrew Grosso
Senior Associate for Discipleship at St. Michael’s and All Angels