Parish Ministries

Worship God, Make Disciples

  • Prayer ministers praying at the baptismal font

    Worship Ministries

    The whole Body of Christ is involved in the liturgy, with people serving on the Altar Guild, reading the Scriptures, servings as acolyte and Lay Eucharistic Ministers. We also have Ushers and Greeters who welcome worshipers, a Prayer Team that prays for people in need, and a Stream Team that broadcasts our service on Facebook and YouTube each Sunday.

  • Girl holding up a craft she made at Sunday School

    Christian Formation Ministries

    We have a team of Children’s Chapel instructors who provide a special program of instruction for children during the first half of the 10:30 service. We also leaders and helpers for other children and youth ministries, as well as men and women who lead adult formation classes on Sunday and throughout the week.

  • Parishioners painting at our "Tasty Wine and Ugly Art" night

    Pastoral Care and Fellowship Ministries

    Parishioners serve as the hands and feet of Christ, taking communion to shut-ins, flowers to elderly members, and also serve our Fellowship and Events group for community events like “Tasty Wine and Ugly Art.”

Join a Ministry

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.