Choral Rehearsal Parts Christ Upon the Mountainpeak, BoumanSopranoAltoTenorBass Stainer, The Crucifixion, rehearsal aid for all parts: Fling Wide the Gates, StainerSopranoAltoTenorBass God So Loved the World, StainerSopranoAltoTenorBass O My God, PergolesiTreblesBaritone Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake, FarrantSopranoAltoTenorBass Create in Me, HillertSopranoAltoTenorBass Blest are the Pure in Heart, MengelSopranoAltoTenorBass Praise to the Lord, StanfordAltoTenorBass Come, Holy GhostSopranoAltoBaritone Fanfare for Easter Day, PfautschSopranoAltoTenorBass Have Mercy on Me, LehmannSopranoAltoTenorBass Hosanna, HutchinsSopranoAltoTenorBass Hosanna, BullardSopranoAltoTenorBass Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs, HillertSopranoAltoTenorBass Alleluia, Song of Gladness, PurcellSopranoAltoTenorBass